Date Recorded: Friday, April 10, 2020
Duration: 1.5 hours
Cost: $125
FREE for NSAC funders and collaborating NGOs.
$75 for NAHMMA, NACWA, and STAR members.
For more information and/or receive the discount, please email
This webinar will have a panel discussing the problems caused by "flushable" wipes which are mostly plastic and causing clogs in sewer systems across the country. We will discuss the real costs and possible solutions including legislation such as AB 1672 in California.
Panelists include:
Heidi Sanborn, National Stewardship Action Council
Assemblymember Richard Bloom, California State Assembly
Representative Joe Fitzgibbon, Washington State Legislature
Jessica Gauger, California Association of Sanitation Agencies
Cynthia Finley, National Association of Clean Water Agencies
Shane Trimmer, Representative Alan Lowenthal